Principal's Blog: Term 1 Week 4
Friday, 17 February 2023
Kia ora whānau
Like me, you are no doubt being confronted with the ever-increasing sense of enormity of the horrific effects of Cyclone Gabrielle. Tales of horror, loss and survival are beginning to surface, and one can’t help but think that there are countless more stories yet to be told. We are more connected with unfolding news than ever before, and one can be forgiven for scrolling through tale after tale of tragedy, the impacts of which cannot be underestimated.

However, out of the most terrible circumstances there is an emergence of the very best of humanity. Examples of brave and heroic acts of everyday folk, responding to human need in incredibly challenging and confronting circumstances, are astounding and deeply humbling. The hospitality of strangers is almost biblical in its rawest form, humanity at its best as folk open doors for one another, offering shelter from the storm and its aftermath, being hospitable in doing what is right and just. In a modern world of busyness, schedules, deadlines, conflict and dramas, Cyclone Gabrielle has been another sharp reminder to us of what is the most important thing in the world; he tangata, he tangata, he tangata – it is people, it is people, it is people.

Whilst we can feel helpless following the continually developing emergency situation in the wake of Cyclone Gabrielle, the immense human suffering and damage to infrastructure and livelihoods, we know that New Zealanders will rally, we will roll up our sleeves and we will get stuff done. After all, it is the Kiwi way. Here at Marsden, when the time is right, and we have full cognisance of the best way we can be of assistance in a targeted and meaningful way, we will do what generations of Marsden wāhine toa have done before us, and serve.

Right now, here at school, the best way we can support our young people is by offering routine. We are fortunate to have escaped the worst of Cyclone Gabrielle in Wellington, and whilst important to acknowledge that and understand, empathise and respond to the plight of others, have a responsibility to be living our best lives right where we are, and in keeping our own hauora in balance. I extend heartfelt aroha to all affected by Cyclone Gabrielle and pray for more good news stories to emerge, super-human efforts from ordinary people, families reunited with loved ones, heroic clean-up efforts and humanity responding to the needs of the lost, the last and the lonely. Take good care of one another, and be acutely aware of caring for your own taha wairua in whatever way that works best for you. Arohanui.

Ngā mihi nui
Paula Wells