Recommended School Subjects as preparation for University
Thursday, 27 October 2022

Planning school subjects from Year 11 helps you prepare for university study. There are quite a few university degrees that recommend certain school subjects as preparation for their courses. 

Making smart subject choices at school will keep your options open for university study. Please contact Ms Binns if you would like to discuss your options. 

See what the Universities recommend for their different degrees:

Several Australian Universities require year 13 English for entry. 

 CareersNZ - Where To Next

The Careers NZ website has put together this page for students and their caregivers to look at to help get ideas about future career options. 

Application to Health Science professional degrees 

In New Zealand the two universities that offer professional medical degrees (Auckland and Otago) both require students to complete the UCAT admissions test as part of their application at the end of their first year of study at the university. You must take the test in the year you are applying (at the end of the first year at University) Some students like to take this test in year 13 AS WELL so they have a better understanding of what is involved but any result in Year 13 is not counted when you apply in your first year of university. 
the UCAT site for information about this test. 
This video is about how to take the test
There is an organisation called MedEntry  who offer support in preparation for this test (for a fee).