Year 13's last day
Monday, 30 October 2023
Today, we said farewell to our Year 13s, always a bittersweet moment; they have reached the end of their school days! Only exams, end-of-year functions and the Leavers' Ball to go, then they are off on their next exciting journey! We enjoyed communion and breakfast with their parents.

At the final assembly, we looked back at their time at Marsden. Principal Paula Wells and senior staff were thanked with bouquets, and Year 12s gave our leavers a fun send-off with a song and video messages.

Thanks to Marsden Old Girls for providing strawberries and ice cream for morning tea and welcoming them to the Old Girls Association with a newly designed pin.

Their day concluded with the Principal's BBQ lunch.

We thank them for their leadership and wish them all the best! Ka kite anō.