Year 12 Mother/Daughter Dinner
Thursday, 12 October 2023
We held a special dinner for our Year 12 students and their mothers on Wednesday 11 October. This annual event is an opportunity for our burgeoning school leaders to hear from a guest speaker and be inspired as they head into their final year of secondary school.

We were privileged to be joined by Brooke Roberts, the co-founder, director and 3EO (co-CEO) of Sharesies. As the co-winner of the 2020 Women of Influence - Business award and 2022 NZ High-Tech Inspiring Individual, it was wonderful for our students to hear from such an inspirational and charismatic wāhine toa.

Brooke is passionate about creating equal opportunities and business being a force for good. She spoke about the path she took to get to where she is now, the importance of pursuing your passion in your professional career, and her connection with six inspirational Marsden Old Girls. She also encouraged our aspiring leaders to celebrate and encourage each others' successes ('a rising tide lifts all boats'), which was a good reminder as we head into the selection and appointment of our Head Students' Committee 2024.