Preschool inquiry: 'Who runs our country?'
Friday, 11 August 2023
As part of preschool's inquiry focus 'Who runs our country?', we were excited to welcome Hon Grant Robertson MP on Friday, along with our Year 1 friends.

We were looking forward to meeting him and asking him some questions. We found out that his favourite ice cream is from Duck Island, today he drove himself to work but other days he has a driver, and he has a special tag on a string that lets him into the Beehive. We also found out that he enjoys the football and was ready to go and watch the FIFA World Cup. He then read one of our favourite stories, Dinosaurumpus, and we enjoyed singing two of our favourite songs, Tihei Mauriora and The Wheels on the Bus.

Thank you Grant for visiting preschool and inspiring our future leaders of Aotearoa.