Amelia Evans - Inducted 2024
Monday, 11 November 2024

Marsden years: 1998-2002

This award recognises Amelia Evans's contribution to society as a human rights lawyer with a passion for social justice, and the co-founder of MSI Integrity, a company which investigates whether multi-stake holders' initiatives, protect and promote human rights and the environment.

Amelia left school in 2002 as Dux and having had a successful year as chair of the School Council. Her experience as part of the national YES Enterprise winning team in 2001 prepared her, in a small way for founding her own company.

She studied at Victoria University gaining a Bachelor of Laws with first class Honours and a Bachelor of Commerce. Being awarded a Frank Knox Memorial Scholarship she completed her LLM at Harvard University in 2011. Her list of Honours, Fellowships and Prizes is substantial and includes a Fulbright Scholarship in 2009.

Amelia co-founded her company in 2012. The mission of MSI Integrity is to understand "the human rights impact and value of voluntary multi-stakeholder initiatives (MSIs) that address business and human rights". The company has grown and developed globally. Through the Global Research Network MSI Integrity has partnered with academic institutions including Stanford and Harvard Law Schools and the University of London. Amelia has also lectured at Harvard and has been a clinical supervisor of law students. Her work has been well published, she is a frequent participant in panel discussions, a blogger and a conference speaker.

Amelia is also a film maker, and with her human rights background has investigated the controversial subject of paedophilia in her film Minor attraction which is in post-production.

In an interview Amelia described "Human rights work is the background to who I am". She has been able to practise this in both her work and her passion.