Anne Field (nee Robertson) – Inducted 2021
Monday, 31 October 2022
Marsden Years 1970 – 1974 (Year 9-Year 13)
This award recognises Anne Field’s service to the school and its community over many years.  Anne’s association with the school began as a student in the third form (Year 9) in 1970.  In between academic studies she had time for tennis, badminton and of course she was House Captain of Johnson in 1974.

Having completed her degree at Victoria University, followed by a Diploma of Teaching, Anne started teaching in the State system in the primary sector, but returned to Marsden to teach in the Intermediate department in 1983 and 1984.  Mathematics and Social Studies were her main subjects, but with her youth and her interest in the students’ welfare she was often on trips, especially the annual trip to Abel Tasman for Year 12.

Anne left (all be it temporarily) to start her family in 1985.  Family life was perfect training for leadership and pastoral care, and soon she was on Kindergarten committees supporting young children and parents alike.

However, the pull of education brought her back to the Marsden staff room, part-time in 1992 to begin with teaching economics and geography.  Since then other subjects have been added - Mathematics, Social studies, Life Skills and the Positive Psychology Programme.  She was Careers Advisor for many years guiding senior leavers to a comfortable transition in the tertiary world, and she has also been the co-ordinator of the Young Enterprise Scheme at senior level, giving students skills and confidence to lead them into the business sector.

Outside the classroom Anne has been on trips, tramps, camps and was a manager of a wide variety of sports teams – skiing, netball, rowing, underwater hockey, and dragon boating.

Anne has worked with the School’s last five Principals and was a student with Miss Ogle and Mr Clark.  When she worked at school in 1983 and 1984, Mr Clark was still the Principal.  In 2000, with the introduction of a pastoral care programme and the Dean’s system, Anne became Dean of the Senior School, and through several structural changes became its Director.  Whatever the title, Anne has been the carer and nourisher of the spirits of Marsden’s students and staff.  With the introduction of the Visible Wellbeing programme in 2019, Anne has led staff, students and parents alike to a calmer and more resilient way of life in these unprecedented times.

In 2012, Anne received an Honours Award from the Independent Schools Association of New Zealand in recognition of her outstanding contribution to pastoral care at Marsden; nonetheless thirty plus years of excellent teaching should not be forgotten in Anne’s Marsden life.

Family has always been an integral part of Anne’s life and they too have become part of her Marsden life. Richard has been a constant support – not only in his professional role but also as driver of teams to all parts of the country.  Daughters Sarah and Anna are both old girls and like their mother have captained Johnson, and son Duncan has been seen on site in his professional capacity and has provided Anne with the most tempting reasons for retirement – grandson Max.  Like all things Anne has planned for her retirement – there are new adventures ahead and a new community will welcome her pastoral care.  Last year she was made an Elder of the Presbyterian Church and the Waikanae neighbourhood will be benefitting from her skills and loyal service.  Her Marsden connections will not be lost as she is on the Board of the Marsden Foundation.

Anne has time for everyone and anything.  She has the knack of making you feel you are her number one priority at that moment.  She listens, she empathises, she processes problems with care and consideration, she shares her thoughts honestly and she is humble in the face of praise.  “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you is her catch phrase and a worthy philosophy in life.